kawan dan sama halnya lawan bahasa Inggris
- kawan: companion; friend; pal; comrade; fellow; bloke;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- sama: alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
- sama halnya: the same as
- lawan: adversary; antagonist; compeer; foe; il;
- sama [halnya: just as
- sama halnya seperti: if it were a
- obelix dan kawan-kawan: obelix and co.
- pasak dan pasak-lawan: gib and cotter
- kawan: companion; friend; pal; comrade; fellow; bloke; marrow; sweetie; teammate; partner; feller; crony; sister; brother; cuss; puchito; marra; covey; buddy; blighter; flock; truelove; chap; chum; ally; y
- bagaimana mendapat kawan dan mempengaruhi orang: how to win friends and influence people
- lawan: adversary; antagonist; compeer; foe; il; opponence; opponent; rival; contrary; opposing; opposition; to; v; versus; vs; competition; be hostile; contra; deny; object; against time; contradict; in ex
- sama dan sebangun: congruence; congruent
- kawan-kawan: kith
- seperti halnya: as did; as do; as does; as have; as is; as such; as well as; just like; internally; in and of itself; per se; intrinsically; originally; essentially; inherently